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Climate Change: Need to Act Now- Publications

The threat of climate change is a serious global concern.

Living Lab: A simulation-modelling tool- Projects

Following the Mumbai terror attacks, of November 26, 2008, CSTEP initiated a project on emergency and disaster management in coordination with CAIR (Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics).

Modeling of Solar and Biomass Hybrid Power Generation—a Techno-Economic Case Study- Publications

Solar power plants are expected to play a significant role in India’s power sector.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India- Projects

Key Objective: The main objective of this project is to develop an energy model as a visualisation and planning tool (Decision Support System) that will enable policymakers to create and test their strategies virtually.

Adapting to the pandemic with a human touch- Publications

The present pandemic has possibly been one of the most disruptive events in our lives, both professionally and personally.

IETP: Reshaping India’s Energy Sector for a Better Future- Publications

In India, one of the world’s fastest growing economies, most industries still run on fossil fuels.

Deciphering India’s Climate Goals- Publications

Global warming due to the greenhouse effect mostly stems from increased fossil-fuel consumption, and the resultant CO2 emissions.

State Action Plan 2.0: Time to Get Vocal for Local- Publications

Nineteen extreme weather events in 2019 claimed 1,357 lives, with heavy rain and floods accounting for 63% of deaths in India.

Mitigation co-benefits of carbon sequestration from MGNREGS in India- Publications

Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme a large social security programme being implemented in India, with an average annual investment of US$ 7 billion.

Sustainable Alternative Futures for Urban India: the Resource, Energy, and Emissions Implications of Urban Form Scenarios- Publications

India’s rapid urbanisation underscores the need to balance growing consumption patterns, development goals, and climate commitments.

Pumped Hydro: Pushing the Needle Forward on Clean Energy- Publications

India’s power sector has been witnessing a large share of renewable energy (RE) being integrated into the grid.

Understanding the Sectoral Challenges in the State of Punjab- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in collaboration with the Chandigarh Pollution Testing Laboratory (CPTL) organised a virtual round-table disussion titled ‘Understanding the Sectoral Challenges in the State of Punjab’ on 27 July 2021.

Nature-based Solutions Towards Circular Economy- Publications

The concept of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and circular economy is seen as enablers for improving resource efficiency, sustainable use of resources, sustainable economic growth, and social benefits.

Climate Change Could Disrupt Transition to Renewable Energy- Publications

The draft Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy 2021-2026, issued by the Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited recently, targets developing 20 GW of renewable energy (RE) projects in the state with and without energy storage.

Rooftop Solar-Based EV Charging in India: A Techno-Economic Comparison- Publications

Decentralised renewable energy resources for electric vehicle (EV) charging pave the way for green mobility.