Search Disaster

Considering emergency and disaster management systems from a software architecture perspective- Publications

Emergency and disaster management has become a widely researched area in the last decade.

Developing GIS tools for planning, mitigation and preparedness for large scale emergencies and disasters- Publications

Emergency and disaster management involves four stages: Mitigation (Planning), Preparedness, Response and Relief.

Developing GIS tools for planning, mitigation and preparedness for large scale emergencies and disasters- Publications

Emergency and disaster management involves four stages: Mitigation (Planning), Preparedness, Response and Relief.

Considering emergency and disaster management systems from a software architecture perspective- Publications

Emergency and disaster management has become a widely researched area in the last decade.

Simulation, Planning and Operational Platform for Emergency Management Systems II (SIMPLANEMS II)- Publications

CSTEP undertook a project to develop a platform that would help model the scale and impact of disasters and provide analysis, tools and exercises to handle it.

A Framework and Case Example for Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Information Services Across Technologies- Publications

This paper introduces a framework to examine the relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different information and communications technologies to deliver a range of social services, using a case example of rural Bangladesh.

Living Lab: A simulation-modelling tool- Projects

Following the Mumbai terror attacks, of November 26, 2008, CSTEP initiated a project on emergency and disaster management in coordination with CAIR (Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics).

Data for Liveable Cities: Issues, Challenges and Emerging Pathways for Indian Cities- Publications

Innovations in collection, analyses and visualisation of data are opening new frontiers in the way we understand cities.

Individual Accountability during COVID-19 – An Empirical Analysis- Publications

The current COVID-19 pandemic is spooling out to be a calamity of unprecedented proportions, causing loss of lives and devastating economies globally.

Climate Risk Profile for Power Sector in Karnataka- Publications

Power infrastructure, which includes assets for generation, transmission, and distribution of power, is vulnerable to manifestations of climate change.

Smart Cities in Karnataka: Experiences and the Road Ahead- Events

The Smart Cities Mission was launched in 2015 to enable cities that ensure a decent quality of life.

To Stay Afloat, India Needs to Adapt- Publications

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report (AR6) of working group 1 — ‘The Physical Science Basis’ has reinforced our worst fears about the state of climate.

Nature Can Solve Chennai Floods- Publications

Climate change is increasing the risk of occurrence of natural hazard events at different scales and magnitudes across the world.