Search Drought

Explained | Was India’s hot summer of 2023 the first of many to come?- Publications

It will be fair to say that many of us are looking forward to the monsoon season this year, eager to put behind us one of the hottest summers ever on record.

Climate resilience must be built into infrastructure and social and political systems- Publications

Any development programme can foster climate adaptation and mitigation benefits; it must also, however, feature self-reflection and system assessments.

Agro-climatic zone-wise drought hazards in Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios- Publications

This study performed the spatio-temporal analysis of drought hazards across the agro-climatic zones (ACZs) of Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios.

Climate change: The heat is on- Publications

The temperature in the Indian subcontinent is set to increase 4 degree Celsius or more by the turn of the century, with frequent heatwaves persisting over longer durations.

Walking on thin ice- Publications

Changes in the climate system over tens of thousands of years brought about ice ages and interglacial warming periods.

To Stay Afloat, India Needs to Adapt- Publications

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report (AR6) of working group 1 — ‘The Physical Science Basis’ has reinforced our worst fears about the state of climate.

Global Warming at Doorstep, We Need Planning with Climate Lens- Publications

Karnataka experienced floods this year - the fourth consecutive year since 2018.

PRESS RELEASE - CSTEP Study: Prepare for Warmer Temperature and High-Intensity Rainfall Events in Eastern India- Publications

A study by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)—a Bangalore-based think tank—on the climate of eastern India underscores the need for climate risk mapping and climate action.