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The dark side of the sun: Clean energy's wasteful impact- Publications

This article looks at the current policy framework on e-waste as well as policy clarity and interventions needed in order to manage impending photovoltaic (PV) waste.

How India Can Accelerate Pumped Hydro Storage for a Clean Energy Future- Publications

India’s clean energy transition is largely driven by the ambitious target of installing 450 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy (RE) by 2030.

Pumped Hydro: Pushing the Needle Forward on Clean Energy- Publications

India’s power sector has been witnessing a large share of renewable energy (RE) being integrated into the grid.

Clean Energy for Clean Air- Publications

Public health concerns have grown tremendously during the past two years because of the pandemic.

Financially Sound Utilities Are Imperative for Universal Access to Affordable and Clean Energy- Publications

Energy is central to almost every challenge we face today — security, climate change, food production, or job creation.

OPINION: Is the RE+EV combination a recipe for Karnataka’s clean energy transition?- Publications

Renewable energy (RE) and electric vehicles (EVs) are currently the best bet for moving towards a sustainable future.

Clean energy transition in India: Towards a brighter future- Publications

India is the third-largest energy producer in the world and one of the top energy consumers.

OPINION: What is the role of states in India's clean energy transition?- Publications

As a rapidly developing nation, India is currently the world’s fourth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Why is battery recycling key to achieving a net-zero economy by 2070?- Publications

India is committed to its net-zero goals by 2070, and the decarbonisation of the transport sector through vehicular electrification is a major cornerstone.

Storage- Projects

CSTEP’s storage programme has two verticals: 1) techno-economic analysis of various storage systems along with policy aspects, and 2) research and development (R&D) of novel electrode and electrolyte materials for state-of-the-art and emerging battery systems using computer simulation techniques.

Nuclear Viewpoint in India- Publications

Nuclear power is a crucial source of clean energy for India.

SERIIUS - Projects

Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States (SERIIUS) is a joint research consortium for clean energy research.

CSTEM PV 2- Projects

The Version 1 (V1) (which can be accessed here) of the CSTEP’s Solar Techno-Economic Model for Photovoltaics (CSTEM PV) was built under the US-India Partnership to Advance Clean Energy Research (PACE-R) for the Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States (SERIIUS).

Maintenance - An underrated piece in the solar energy puzzle- Publications

The maintenance aspect of solar installation is currently a shy topic and not adequately discussed.

Sunny Days with CSTEM PV- Publications

CSTEP's Techno-Economic Model for Photovoltaics (CSTEM PV) has been envisioned as a continuing initiative that aims to constructively support and be in line with India’s clean energy aspirations.